11/27(Tue.) Lecture for ABE FELLOWSHIP COLLOQUIUM “Japanese Traditional Media in the Digitalization Generation: Global Data Comparison”
Japanese Traditional Media in the Digitalization Generation: Global Data Comparison
Speaker: 林香里 Kaori Hayashi
東京大学大学院情報学環 教授 安倍フェロー(2014年度)
Professor, Media and Journalism Studies, The University of Tokyo /Abe Fellow(2014)
Commentator: 神保哲生 Tetsuo Jimbo
Journalist, Founder and CEO/Editor-in-Chief of Internet TV “VIDEONEWS.COM“
Moderator: 杉田弘毅 Hiroki Sugita
Columnist, Kyodo News
When: 11月27日(火)午後6時半~8時
Tuesday, November 27, 2018, from 6pm to 8pm
Where: Sakura Hall 2nd Floor, Japan Foundation, 4-4-1 Yotsuya, Shinjuku, Tokyo
Notes: 参加無料。発表言語は日本語ですが、質問応答は英語でも可能です。
Admission is free. Presentation in Japanese with English questions accepted.
Email: abetokyo@ssrc.org Fax: 03-5369-6142 Phone: 03-5369-6085
In many developed western countries, the increase in digital media use has been accompanied by mass ideological polarization, which has given rise to discussions of “distrust in the media.” Matters have only worsened with the spread of “fake news” on social media platforms. This has recently garnered attention as a pressing social issue. So, what is the situation in Japan?
Compared to western nations, polarization of views and/or a distrust in the media is not as observable among the general populace. The general public of Japan appear to believe that Japanese media, in the midst of a high growth period, is overall “unbiased, non-partisan journalism,” and do not take a critical stance toward its methods of expression or political nature. On the other hand, there is an observable right-wing shift and radicalization of certain segments of the media. The indifference of average citizens to these segments has created a disconnect between the media and the general populace that only deepens as, in a vicious cycle, the media attempts to bridge the disconnect by radicalizing further. In this presentation, I will review comparative global data on these issues, and see what we may discern about the present, and the future, of Japanese media in the digitalization generation.
講師略歴 Biographical Information
林香里(はやし・かおり): 1963年名古屋市生まれ。ロイター通信東京支局記者、東京大学社会情報研究所助手、ドイツ、バンベルク大学客員研究員(フンボルト財団)を経て、現在 東京大学大学院情報学環教授。2016年4月から2017年3月まで、安倍フェローとして、ノースウェスタン大学、ロンドン大学、ベルリン自由大学客員研究員。著書『メディア不信 何が問われているのか』岩波新書、2017年、『<オンナ・コドモ>のジャーナリズム ケアの倫理とともに』岩波書店、2011年(第4回内川芳美記念マス・コミュニケーション学会賞受賞)、『テレビ報道職のワーク・ライフ・アンバランス 13局男女30人の聞き取り調査から』(谷岡理香と共編著)大月書店、2013年、ほか。専門: ジャーナリズム/マスメディア研究。 ホームページ https://www.hayashik.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
Kaori Hayashi: Professor at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo, specializing in Journalism and Media. Previous experiences include work as a correspondent for Reuters Tokyo Branch Office, Research Assistant at the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo, and visiting researcher (A.v. Humboldt-Fellow) at University of Bamberg in Germany. From April 2016 to March 2017 under the Abe Fellowship Program, Hayashi joined Free University of Berlin (Germany), Northwestern University USA), and University of London (UK) as a visiting researcher. In 2017, she published “medeia fushin (Media Distrust)” via Iwanami Shinsho Publishing. Other publications include “onna・kodomo no jyaanarizumu-kea no rinri totomoni (Journalism about Women and Children- With the perspectives of “care” ethics) which was awarded the 4th Uchikawa Yoshimi Memorial Mass Communication academic society award. For more information, please see her homepage: https://www.hayashik.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/