キム・カヨン(金佳榮, KAYOUNG KIM) 客員研究員
韓国出身で、日本のテレビにおける商業主義の実態やその歴史的・社会文化的背景について研究したく、2010年4月に林香里研究室に入りました。2012年3月に修士学位を取得、その4月に博士課程に進学し、5年間在学しました。2017年3月に満期退学した後は、テレビ朝日の外報部で国際ニュースを伝える記者として働きながら、情報学環の客員研究員として研究を続けました。2021年現在、林先生が率いる東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構内のB’AI Global Forumの特任研究員として様々なイベントやプロジェクトを担当しています。
Kayoung Kim is a project researcher at Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III) at the University of Tokyo. Her research interests include media sociology and media culture. Since 2010, she has been researching in Hayashi-lab on the current status of commercialism in Japanese television and its historical and socio-cultural background. She received her master’s degree in Socio-Information and Communication Studies at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSII) at the University of Tokyo in 2012. After completing her Ph.D. course work at the same department, she worked as a reporter at the International News Division of TV Asahi as well as continuing her research as a visiting scholar at III. As of 2021, She is a project researcher for the B’AI Global Forum which is a research group led by Prof. Hayashi.
「ブランデッド・エンタテインメント時代の『広告融合型番組』−−−−新しい番組スタイルを可能にしたテレビ状況とは何か」(2013)東京大学情報学環紀要第85号、pp. 177-194。
「A Case Study on a New Type of Advertisement-Embedded Programs (AEPs) in Japanese Television」2012年11月、東京大学ソウル大学日韓共同シンポジウム(11/9~10)。
「Recent Trends in Advertising-Embedded Programs (AEPs) in Japanese Television」2013年6月、国際学会 IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research) in Dublin, Ireland (6/25~29)。
「Change of Korean Viewers’ Attitudes toward Product Placement: Focusing on Viewers’ Comments on Internet News Articles about Product Placement」2014年7月、国際学会 IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research) in Hyderabad, India (7/15~19)。
「Conflicting “Realities” in-between Korea and Japan: The Meaning of Asahi’s Withdrawal of Reporting on “Comfort Women” in 2014」、パネル発表『Comparative Global Assessment of the Media Coverage of Japan’s “Comfort Women” Issue』2016年6月、国際学会ICA (International Communication Association) in Fukuoka, Japan (6/9~13)。
「民間放送の商業主義に関する一考察 —— 民放初期の正当化言説を中心に」2016年6月、日本マス・コミュニケーション学会(6/18~19)。
「The Triangular Relationship between Memory, Nationalism and Commercialism: Focused on the “Shōwa Nostalgia” in Japanese TV」2016年7月、国際学会 IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research) in Leicester, UK (7/27~31)。
「Fan Activity as Labor: Korean Reality Show “Produce 101” and Its Audience」2018年6月、国際学会 IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research) in Eugene, Oregon, US(6/21~24)

西 浩一郎 (KOICHIRO NISHI) 博士課程在籍中
After graduating from university, Koichiro Nishi has been working at a TV station. The problems he encountered in the field of journalism motivated him to try and solve them using academic knowledge. His areas of interest are journalism and mass media theory. Koichiro conducted a field survey in order to explicate how Japanese TV content is consumed in Thailand, and summarized the results in his Master’s thesis. In the Doctoral course, he is studying the representation of Southeast Asia in Japanese TV news discourse. By observing the process by which such news are generated, he aspires to reveal the underlying power relations.

20年以上、記者・編集者を経験し、現在はメディア・ジャーナリズムを研究しています。貧困や性差、年齢、人種などの社会的要因によって苦しむ人々が、メディアと政治によって社会に包摂されていく過程に関心があり、 修士論文は「社会的弱者の支援とジャーナリズム―〈問題解決〉へ社会を動かす報道過程分析」を執筆しました。メディア不信が進む昨今ですが、一方では多様性を追求したコンテンツや、 市民団体やNPO、国際組織との協同、SNS発信などによって、群衆・政治・政策を動かし、弱者の命綱となるメディアの存在も確認されています。博士過程では歴史・理論・実践を行き来しながら メディアの力について体系化し、すべての人が生きやすい社会を構築していくことを目指しています。
Asako Shimizu has over 20 years of journalistic experience, specializing in social security in Japan. Now she is conducting research in the field of media and journalism studies. She is interested in the role of journalism in ameliorating the conditions of the socially vulnerable groups suffering from poverty or discrimination based on gender, age, race and other factors. She researches the processes of social inclusion and exclusion in the media and politics. She successfully defended her Master’s thesis “Process of Solving Social Issues by Media in Japan”. While today the distrust of the media is deepening, there exists some content that pursues diversity and serves as a lifeline for the vulnerable members of society, such as social media activities of citizen groups, NPOs and global organizations. In doctoral course, by rethinking the theory, practice and history of the media, Asako aims at systemizing of its power to create a livable society for everyone.

慶應義塾大学経済学部(同メディア・コミュニケーション研究所)を卒業後、東京大学大学院学際情報学府に入学しました。現在は日本学術振興会特別研究員 (DC1) として活動中で、博士課程では、伝統的な表象空間から捨象された「声なき声」を可視化するジャーナリズム実践を、放送とSNS、報道と娯楽の融合などのメディアの異種混淆との関連で考察しています。また、副専攻の東京大学多文化共生・統合人間学プログラム (IHS) では、マイノリティの現場と学問の架橋について考えてきました。
Akira Tanaka is a fourth-year doctoral student and a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1). In 2016, he graduated with B.A.from the Faculty of Economics at Keio University, and then entered the GSII at the University of Tokyo. He is studying journalistic practices that visualizes the “silent voices” discarded from traditional representational spaces, by focusing on media hybridization (e.g., the combination of broadcasting and social networking, or news and entertainment). In IHS (his submajor program), He have also been thinking about bridging the field of the minorities and academia.
田中瑛(2018)「公共放送における対抗的公共圏の編制・表象: NHKの総合福祉番組を検討事例として」東京大学大学院学際情報学府修士論文
田中瑛(2019)「公共放送における「声なき声」の包摂の葛藤――NHKの福祉番組『ハートネットTV』のソーシャルメディア活用を事例として」『マス・コミュニケーション研究』95: 125-142.
日本計画行政学会・社会情報学会若手研究交流会 優秀賞(2017年3月)
東京大学大学院学際情報学府 専攻長賞 (優秀修士論文)(2018年3月)

林 東佑 (イム ドンウ, LIM DONGWOO) D3
Dongwoo Lim is a PhD student at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo. Originally from South Korea, he majored in anthropology and minored in communication at Seoul National University. In his master’s thesis, he analyzed South Korea’s nationalism and its relation to Japan in the media coverage of the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympic Games by drawing upon affect theory. As a doctoral student, he’s interested in the spread and flow of political issues on YouTube and Twitter in Japan and South Korea.
Dongwoo Lim, Fujio Toriumi, and Kaori Hayashi, “Network Analysis on Emotional Responses in International Disputes”, In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020 (WWW ’20 Companion), Taipei, Taiwan, ACM, April 2020 (Peer-reviewed).
Dongwoo Lim and Fujio Toriumi, “Difference of Public Opinion in International Disputes: Case of Japan and Korea”. 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), MIT Media Laboratory, Boston, MA, USA, July 2020 (Peer-reviewed).
林東佑,「2019年経済紛争に対する日韓のSNS上の反応に関するネットワーク分析」日本マス・コミュニケーション学会春季研究発表会, 東京, 日本, 2020年6月.
Dongwoo Lim, “Difference of Public Opinion in International Disputes: Case of Japan and Korea”, 計算社会科学研究会, 神戸, 日本, 2020年3月.
NTTデータ特別賞, 第2回NTTデータ-Twitter Innovation Contest, 株式会社NTTデータ主催, 2019年 12月.

Sayuri Nakagawa graduated with a B.A. from the School of Letters, Osaka University, and has since worked at an advertising agency as a copywriter. Her first-hand experience of this industry motivates her to critically examine it from an academic point of view. She received her M.A. in Promotional Media from Goldsmiths, University of London, submitting the thesis, “Why Do Even Women Create Sexist Advertisements?” Her research focuses on issues around the structure of the advertising industry, the creative process in advertising, and representations of advertisements.

カリフォルニア大バークレー校公共政策大学院卒(公共政策学修士)。 全国紙とネットメディアで計10年余り記者として勤務。博士課程の研究テーマはメディアとジェンダー。2019年よりヘブライ大ジャーナリズム・コミュニケーション研究科のプロジェクトDigitalValuesに参加中。
Saki Mizoroki is a third-year doctoral student, who has a decade long experience in journalism. Her research focuses on media and gender. She earned a master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley. From 2019 she has been working for an international research project DigitalValues at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

青木 修 (OSAMU AOKI) D2
Osamu Aoki retired NHK (Japan’ public broadcasting corporation). For more than 40 years, Osamu worked as a reporter, director and producer for NHK, covering domestic and international stories. He still works for NHK news in English as a part-time employee and is interested in international broadcasting in this age of globalization. Osamu spent a year in the United States and had an internship at “The Oregonian,” a local newspaper in Portland, Oregon. He is an addict of Bach and Mozart and an amateur stargazer. He finds it is frustrating to live in Tokyo, as it is not possible to see many stars there.
東京大学大学院学際情報学府 専攻長賞 (優秀修士論文)(2019年3月)

張 予思 (ZHANG YUSI) D2
ZHANG Yusi is a second-year doctoral student, and also is a journalist working at the international news division of TV Asahi. ZHANG’s research is about “Journalism limited by nationality/citizenship”, which is based on her experience from daily work as a foreign national journalist. ZHANG is trying to elucidate the physical obstacles due to journalists’ nationality/citizenship, such as difficulties in press visa, and also discuss about the impact of restrictions due to nationality/citizenship on journalism and the possibility of cross-border journalism.

With eight years of working experience as a broadcast journalist, Yumiko Sugaya studied media and communications and received her MSc from London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research interests include media-saturated everyday life and its implication for journalism.

馬致遠 (MA ZHIYUAN) 修士課程在学中
Zhiyuan Ma is a Master’s student in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo. He received Bachelor of Art degree in China. His research field is mass media and journalism studies with a focus on China’s journalism, especially news about petitions and petitioners. In China, millions of people petition the government every year which causes a major social problem. However petitions are rarely resolved and result in a variety of violent incidents. News coverage of petitions and petitioners from mass media has a number of limitations and is generally considered as a problematic issue. According to this situation, he plans to conduct research on the topic by focusing on the news about petitioning from both Chinese and overseas media.

藤沢美由紀 (MIYUKI FUJISAWA) 修士課程在学中
Miyuki Fujisawa has been working as a staff writer for a newspaper company in Japan for more than 10 years. She would like to analyze the factors of problems she encountered in the field of reporting on sexual minorities.

Anastasiia Denisova comes from Russia. She got her Bachelor degree at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University), mastering in International Journalism and Japanese. In her research, she examines the relationship between social media and traditional mass media and political potential of hashtags through a case study of a hashtag campaign.

李 心怡 (LI XINYI) M2
2019年、中国人民大学ジャーナリズム学部に卒業し、学際情報学府ITASIAコースに入学。オンラインフェミニズム、マスキュリニティのメディア表象、バーチャルコミュニティに興味を持っています。現在は中国のSNS上でのフェミニスト言説とcounterpublic sphereの形成について、研究を進めています。
LI Xinyi graduated from School of Journalism and Communication at Renmin University of China, and now she is a first-year student in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo. She is interested in online feminism, media representation of masculinity and virtual community. Her research is about feminist discourse and counterpublic sphere in Chinese social media.

民放で25年以上、生情報番組を作っています。2007〜2008年、NYU大学院 Interactive Telecommunications Program でインターネットとテレビについて学びました。メディアの未来について、色々考えたいと思います。
Shinsuke has been making Live TV Programs for 25 years. He has studied in the ITP, Tisch School of the Arts at NYU (2007). He has published “Facebook, the Social Platform which Conquers the World” in Japan and South Korea (2011). His current interest focuses on how the new flow of information created by mass media and SNS divides people.
「Facebook 世界を征するソーシャルプラットフォーム」(ソフトバンク新書)
『소셜플랫폼의 육하원칙』(이섭창작), 2011年9月.
「リオで感じたソーシャルの風」『GALAC』放送批評懇談会, 2016年11月: 22-25.
「SNSとハサミは使いよう」『GALAC』放送批評懇談会, 2013年5月: 30-32.

Xinyu Zhang studied the transnational interests of Chinese international students as the undergraduate period. Now she is interested in the acceptance of truth in nationalist and fan culture. Her research is about online flaming with political factors in China.

Mayuka Kojima had worked at a newspaper publishing company before she entered the Graduate School, the University of Tokyo. The Japanese newspaper industry faces a strong pivot today. She studies about the issues that newspaper home delivery system faces in local area, and tries to explicate prospects of the printed paper from a viewpoint of newspaper distributor.

Peiya Zhou comes from China. Last year She graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. Now she is studying at Hayashi laboratory as Research Student and would like to consider journalism from a different perspective. She is curious about whether Chinese government is succeeding in communicating not only internally but also with people in other countries through mass media coverage.

Learning Broadcasting and Journalism back in undergraduate studies. Interested in photography, documentary, and creative micro-videos. Now an ITASIA (English-language program) second-year master student, whose research interest lies in how different media, home and abroad, represent underprivileged groups in China.

After graduating from International Christian University, Yuka Shigehara has been working as a news reporter / director for a TV station in Japan for about 10 years. As a Master’s student, she would like to further explore her interest in TV journalism especially focusing on political news.
東京大学大学院学際情報学府 専攻長賞 (優秀修士論文)(2020年3月)

ウクライナの大学で日本語を専攻とし、3年間日本のテレビ・クルーの通訳とコーディネーター として勤めました。日本の国際報道を学術的見知から見直したいと思い、研究留学生として来日しました。2018年4月から入学した修士課程では、国境を超えた連帯を重視するコスモポリタニズムという概念から日本の複合メディア環境で構築されるウクライナのイメージを研究した。また、 MeTooというグローバルな運動が日本及びロシアにおいてそれぞれの政治・メディアシステムの特徴によってどう形づけられたかについて分析する論文を発表した。
Coming from Ukraine, Kateryna Kasianenko got her BA and MA in Japanese and English language, literature and translation at Kyiv University. She worked as interpreter and fixer at a Ukrainian-Japanese TV production company. In 2016, she started her research at GSII, the University of Tokyo, examining the relationship between cosmopolitanism and Japanese foreign news. During her Master’s course at GSII, she studied the Japanese intermedia image of Ukraine through the concept of cosmopolitanism. In her side research project, she also analyzed how the local developments of the global MeToo movement were influenced by the particularities of the political and media systems in Japan and Russia.
2019. ‘When it is Us Too? How Russian and Japanese media framed sexual harassment towards their journalists’, Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 10:3, pp. 201–221, doi: 10.1386/iscc.10.3.201_1
2018.”Representing Foreign Caregivers.”
In IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research). Eugene, Oregon, USA.
2019. “When it is Us Too? How Russian and Japanese media framed sexual harassment towards their journalists.”
In IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research). Madrid, Spain.
NTTデータ特別賞, 第2回NTTデータ-Twitter Innovation Contest, 株式会社NTTデータ主催, 2019年 12月.
東京大学大学院学際情報学府 専攻長賞 (優秀修士論文)(2020年3月).

セザール・カステルビ(César CASTELLVI)
フランス国立社会科学高等研究院(EHESS) 博士課程 (社会学専攻 5年生) / 東京大学大学院情報学際学府博士課程 (社会情報学専攻 2018年退学)
パリ・ディドロ大学東洋言語文化学部 教育研究補助員 (ATER)
専門分野 : 職業社会学、産業社会学、ジャーナリズム・スタディーズ
博士研究テーマ: 日本の新聞業界における労働市場と記者職のキャリアの変化
César Castellvi is a PhD. Candidate in Sociology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris affiliated with the Maurice Halbawchs Center (CNRS/EHESS/ENS).
He is also assistant professor (ATER) at the Asian Studies Department of the University Paris Diderot (LCAO). He has been member of Kaori Hayashi Laboratory, as both research student and PhD. candidate between 2013 and 2018.
Specialized on the field of sociology of professions and sociology of organization, his current research focuses on the transformations of Japanese press reporters’ professional model since de 1990’s. His most recent publication drawn from his PhD. dissertation has been published in the French sociological review Terrains & Travaux (Fields and Works) in 2017 (Byline or perish? Signature practices and the evolution of the Japanese newspaper industry)
For more precise information, please see:
Castellvi César, 2017, « Signer pour survivre ? La Signature du journaliste au cœur des transformations de la presse japonaise » (Byline or perish? Signature practices and the evolution of the Japanese newspaper industry), Terrains & Travaux, ENS Cachan, VARIA n°30, juillet 2017, p 55-77.
Castellvi César, 2015, « Abe Shinzō et l’emploi : regard sur la réforme de la loi sur le travail intérimaire », Japan Analysis, Asia Centre, n°38, Paris.
Castellvi César, « Comprendre les méfiances à l’égard de la loi sur la protection des secrets spécifiques » [english version : Understanding the mistrust surrounding the law on protecting specific secrets], Japan Analysis, n°33, mai 2014.
Castellvi César, « Lancement de la fusée Unha-3 par la Corée du Nord en avril 2012 : les réactions de la presse japonaise » [english version : North Korea’s launching of the Unha-3 rocket in April 2012: the reactions of the Japanese press], Japan Analysis, n°26, juillet 2012.
2018, Erik Neveu, Pierre Leroux (dir.), En immersion. Pratiques intensives du terrain en journalisme, littérature et sciences sociales, Rennes, PU Rennes, coll. « Res Publica », 2017, mise en ligne le 28/02/2018, ([])
2017, Séguy Christiane, Du Sabre à la plume, mémoires de journalistes engagés de l’époque Meiji, Strasbourg, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourgs, 2014, 284 p. Carnet de la SFEJ, mise en ligne le 23/10/2017, (site web lié)
2016, Sebastien Lechevalier, The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism, 2014, Routledge, Nissan Institute/Routledge, Social Science Japan Journal, Volume 19 Issue 2 Summer 2016, p 209-211. (site web lié)
2018, “To Be Member of the Club : How Japanese Press Reporters Closed Their Market”, Research Committee Session “Beyond the closed shop ? On the Challenges of Organizing Professionals in Contemporary Societies” XIX International Sociology Association World Congress, Toronto, mardi 17 juillet 2018, 16:00, Room 803B (MTCC South Building) (site web lié)
2017,「日本の新聞社とデジタル・メディア -フィールドワークからの考察」 (« The Uses of Digital Media in Japanese Newspaper Companies, thinking about fieldwork »), Japan-Europe Intellectual Exchanges in Alsace, Japanese Study Seminar on Digital Media and Communication (デジタル・メディアとコミュニケーション), European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace CEEJA, Monday 25th September, 2017, 10h45-11h45.
2017, « Compétition et visibilité : les transformations de la profession de journaliste de presse au Japon », au sein de l’atelier par Vincent Mirza : Les conséquences et les contradictions du néolibéralisme dans la société japonaise contemporaine, 6th French Network for Asian Studies International Conference (FNASIC), Sciences Po, Paris mardi 27 Juin 2017, 9:00-10:30. (site web lié)
2017, « Les Journalistes salariés de la presse japonaise : sociologie d’une activité professionnelle », Séminaire “Société, politique et économie dans le Japon contemporain”, Université Paris Diderot, Jeudi 02 février 2017, 17h-19h, Salle 481C.
2016, « Quel avenir pour la presse japonaise ? Réflexions sur les transformations d’un modèle », XIIème Colloque de la Société Française des Études Japonaises (SFEJ), Vendredi 16 décembre Session 10-4 Gestion, Ressources Humaines, 11h30-12h00, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III, Salle 325, Lyon, Décembre 2016. ([site web lié >])
2016, « Penser les liens entre modèle organisationnel et profession : le journalisme au Japon », Congrès Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française, Session 6A du CR32 • Jeudi 7 juillet 2016 • 14h20-14h40, Salle DS-M220, pavillon Hubert-Aquin, UQAM, Montréal, Juillet 2016. (site web lié)
2016 (with Omri Reis), “Comfort Women in British and French Newspapers : A byline Analysis” (in the Panel “Comparative Global Assessment of the Media Coverage of Japan’s “Comfort Women” Issue”), 66ème Congrès de l’International Communication Association, Fri, June 10, 14:00 to 15:15, Fukuoka Hilton, Rigel (site web lié)
2014, « To Byline or not to byline : Transformation of a Professional Practice in Japanese journalism », International Sociology Association Congress, Yokohama, 414, 10h30, lundi 14 juillet 2014. (site web lié)
2013, « La Carrière des journalistes de la presse quotidienne nationale : une comparaison France/Japon », Les professions de santé dans une perspective franco-japonaise ; une Convention émergente ?, LEST, Aix en Provence, 9h30 –16h, Jeudi 28 mars 2013.
(個人ページ) :

Hiromitsu Fuku attempted to analyze from various viewpoints such aspect of “popular” culture as the communication between fans over Johnny’s male idols who dominate contemporary Japan.
•Talking About Idols: Fandom and national identity in East Asia, November 21st, 22nd,2008, SNU-UT-CUHK-NTU-TU Symposium, National Seoul University, Republic of Korea.
•Sharing Enjoyment as a Communicative Tool ; Japanese male idols Johnnys and their female fans enjoyment, July 5th, 2009, Cultural Typhoon 2009, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan.
•「イケメンを<欲望>する社会3」『週刊読書人増刊号 Ponto』Vol.4、2015年12月8日号。
•「イケメンを<欲望>する社会2」『週刊読書人増刊号 Ponto』Vol.3、2015年8月4日号。
•「イケメンを<欲望>する社会1」『週刊読書人増刊号 Ponto』Vol.2、2015年3月24日号。
•「ジャニーズ・アイドルの「イケメン」性について」『ユリイカ 総特集=イケメン・スタディーズ』2014年9月臨時増刊号、172-179頁。
•「資料整理を終えて」『小野秀雄関係資料目録』東京大学大学院情報学環社会情報研究資料センター高度アーカイブ化事業編 玉井建也・福重旨乃責任編集、2012年。

メールアドレス または
Dr. Tetsuo Hatanaka is Associate Professor of the Sociology Department at Ryukoku University in Kyoto. He had worked as a journalist at Mainichi Newspaper, Nikkei Trendy Magazine and Kyodo News for 25 years. He was conferred the Ph.D degree at the University of Tokyo at the age of 51. Currently he explores the possibility of communitarian journalism by doing field-research in Niigata, Okinawa as well as in the Kansai region.
第5回 内川芳美記念マス・コミュニケーション学会賞(『地域ジャーナリズム:コミュニティとメディアを結びなおす』)
李相哲編著 『日中韓メディアの衝突:新聞・テレビ報道とネットがつなぐ三国関係 (龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所叢書)』担当:第3章「日本の政治システムとメディア産業」ミネルヴァ書房,2017年3月
菊池理夫・有賀誠・田上孝一編著 『政府の政治理論』担当:第13章「ジャーナリズムと政府」晃洋書房,2017年3月
田中秀幸編著 『地域づくりのコミュニケーション研究:まちの価値を創造するために』担当:第3章「新聞社とNPOの持続可能な協働の条件とは? 新潟・上越地域における地域紙の事例から」ミネルヴァ書房,2017年3月
松浦さと子編著 『日本のコミュニティ放送:理想と現実の間で』担当:3章「コミュニティ放送にジャーナリズムは必要か」晃洋書房,2017年5月
小林正弥・菊地理夫共編 『コミュニタリアニズムのフロンティア 』担当:第10章「パブリック・ジャーナリズム」勁草書房,2012年11月
「「地域ジャーナリズム」という事業 : SNSに取り組んだ地方紙7社への調査から」畑仲哲雄・林香里、 杉本星子編『情報化時代のローカル・コミュニティ : ICTを活用した地域ネットワークの構築』(国立民族学博物館調査報告106号, 147-177頁、2012年8月)査読
武田徹・藤田真文・山田健太監修 『現代ジャーナリズム事典 』担当:「シビック・ジャーナリズム」「編集権」「編集権声明」「マニフェスト」「プロパブリカ」「キャンペーン」 の各項目、三省堂,2014年6月
「記者講座 道徳的な難問を考える(1) 記者が〈ルール〉を破るとき 規格化された〈ルール〉に潜む落とし穴 最後に必要なのは自律した記者の良心」『Journalism』 (331):2017.12 p.84-91
「記者講座 道徳的な難問を考える(2) 記者が泣くとき怒るとき 冷静で偏見のない取材は必要だが 涙や怒りの感情を押し殺す危険性」『Journalism』 (332):2018.1 p.114-121
「記者講座 道徳的な難問を考える(3) 記者が立場を自覚するとき 取材者のアイデンティティとポジショナリティ 高学歴エリート化が引き起こす取材先との断絶」『Journalism』 (333):2018.2 p.86-93
「記者講座 道徳的な難問を考える(4) ジャーナリズムとアカデミズム 敬遠し合う「仲の悪い双子」の関係 求められる記者と研究者の協働作業」『Journalism』 (334):2018.3 p.96-102
「ジャーナリズムの道徳的ジレンマ」 勁草書房編集部ウェブサイト:けいそうビブリオフィル(

Dipesh has received his PhD degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan. His research fieldwork data have already resulted into manuscripts as well as several award-wining ethnographic documentary films, notably A Life with Slate (2006) and Playing with Nan (2012) and Tama Gaun (2015) those have been screened at more than 60 international film festivals around the world and won several prizes. For his past research and film projects he received several grants, remarkably the Toyota International Grant 2017, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant (2013-2016), The Japan Foundation Grant (2012), Asian Documentary Network Grant, South Korea (2011) and Goteborg International Film Grant, Sweden (2011). His recent publication on immigrants in Japan has received David Plath Media Award from the American Anthropological Association and the Most Outstanding Journal Article from Oxford University Press, 2016 published in Social Science Japan Journal. Currently as a researcher at the University of Tokyo, he is doing research on student immigrants in Japan.
I.Journal Articles
Kharel, Dipesh. 2016. “From Lahures to Global Cooks: Network Migration from the Western Hills of Nepal to Japan.” Social Science Japan Journal, (peer-reviewed) Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 173-192. Publisher: Oxford University Press and The University of Tokyo.
Kharel, Dipesh. 2015. “Visual Ethnography, Thick Description and Cultural Representation.” Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, (peer-reviewed) volume 9, pp.147-160, ISSN: 1994-2664 (print), 1994-2672 (Online), Publisher: Dhawalagiri Multiple Campus, Baglung, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Kharel, Dipesh. 2014. “Heavy Loads toward a Better Life: Social Transformation through Slate Mining in Alampu, Nepal.” The Journal of the International Association for Asia Pacific Studies, (peer-reviewed) volume 5, PP. 36-67 (32), ISSN 2042-6143, Publisher: Berghahn Journals, New York, Oxford.
II. Book Chapters
Kharel, Dipesh. 2014. “A Village of Empty House: The Sunkhani Village of North-eastern Nepal.” in Enchanting Asia Social Landscapes, edited by A. Main, PP.155-171, ISBN-13:9789810795054. Swarnadvipa Publishing.
III. Ethnographic Research Films
Kharel, Dipesh. 2017. “A Seed of Hope”. The University of Tokyo, NHK Japan and Media Help line, Nepal
Kharel, Dipesh. 2016. “I am Between”. The University of Tokyo and Media Help line, Nepal
Kharel, Dipesh and Frode, Storass. 2015. “The Rebirth of Mahadev – Copper Mining in Nepal.” (Ethnographic Film) University of Bergen, Norway.
Kharel, Dipesh and Frode, Storass. 2015. “Tama Gaun- The Copper Village.” (Ethnographic Film) University of Bergen, Norway
Kharel, Dipesh and Saito, Asami. 2012. “Playing with Nan.” Media Help Line, Nepal and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
Kharel, Dipesh. 2006. “A Life with Slate.” Visual Cultural Studies Program, University of Tromso, Norway.
IV. The Major List of Presentation at International Conferences
Kharel, Dipesh. “The Nepalis Man Wives: Material, Social and Financial outcome of the Nepalis women migration to Japan.” International Workshop: Uprooting, Redefining, Resettling, The Experiences of Women Migrants in Japan, Sophia University (16 January 2016).
Kharel, Dipesh. “Chain Migration and Transnational Ties: A Case Study of the Nepali Migration to Japan.” The 28th Annual Conference, The Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (JASAS), The University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus (26 to 27 September 2015).
Kharel, Dipesh. “After Ram Left Home: Visual Ethnography of the Nepali migration to Japan.” International Conference ‘Gendered Dimensions of Migration: Material and Social Outcomes of South-South Migration’ Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (30 June to 2 July 2015).
Kharel, Dipesh. “The Gorkha Earthquake and Aftershocks in Dolakha, Nepal.” 34th South Asia and India Ocean Studies Seminar/2nd KINDAS International Seminar, Kyoto University (20 June 2015).
Kharel, Dipesh. “The Emergence of the Nepalese Transnational Community in Japan: A Case Study of the Nepalese migration to Japan.” International Workshop Japan’s New Immigrants: Capturing the Changing Ethno-scape in a Globalizing Society, Waseda University (12 to 14 February 2015).
Kharel, Dipesh. “Playing with Nan.” Kyoto University, Hakubi Center for Advanced Research (27 February 2015).
Kharel, Dipesh. “Playing with Nan.” International Workshop Japan’s New Immigrants: Capturing the Changing Ethno-scape in a Globalizing Society, Waseda University, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (12 to 14 February, 2015).
Kharel, Dipesh. “A Life with Slate- Visual Ethnography of Slate Mining in Nepal.” IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science) Inter-Congress 2014 with JASCA, Makuhari Messe, Chiba (15 to 18 May 2014)
Kharel, Dipesh. “Playing with Nan.” Are We Putting New Wine into Old Wineskins?: Reflecting on Field Work In International Multicultural Setting, Joint Workshop: The University of Tokyo and Free University, Berlin Germany, (10 to 11 February, 2014).
Kharel, Dipesh. “Here and There: Visual Ethnographic Fieldwork on Nepali Migrant Worker in Japan.” Are We Putting New Wine into Old Wineskins?: Reflecting on Field Work In International Multicultural Setting, Joint Workshop: The University of Tokyo and Free University, Berlin Germany (10 to 11 February, 2014).
Kharel, Dipesh. “Social Transformation through Local Environmental Knowledge.” Change in the Asia Pacific, organized by International Association for Asia Pacific Studies (IAAPS), Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan, (26 to 27 November 2011).
Kharel, Dipesh. “A Life with Slate.” Beyond Text: Synaesthetic and Sensory Practices in Anthropology, Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, UK (28 June 2007).

キム・アルム (金娥凛, Ah-reum Kim)
韓国のソウル大学言論情報学科修士課程修了後、2011年10月に東京大学大学院学際情報学環IT ASIA博士課程に入学。ソウル大学アジア研究所訪問研究者を経て、博士課程単位取得退学し、現在北海道大学の非常勤講師を勤めています。メディア史、概念史、ジェンダーとメディアなどに興味を持ち、博士論文では「教養」の概念に注目し、メディアによって構築されるジェンダー規範のあり方を日韓の歴史的・社会的な文脈の中で探り辿っています。
Ah-reum Kim is a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo. She is also an adjunct lecturer at Hokkaido University. She was a visiting scholar at Seoul National University Asia Center from March 2016 to July 2016. Her PhD dissertation deals with historical trajectory of the very modern idea of womanhood through the way in which Western concept of Bildung has been translated, articulated, and gendered in the historical context of Korea and Japan.
2014. Formation of the Sasanggye Intellectual Group and its Roles in Rebuilding South Korea, 1953-1959.『東京大学大学院情報学環紀要情報学研究』第86 号.
2018. Gyoyang: Modern Appreciation of the Concept in Colonial Korea, the 1920s. In conference of Translational Turn in Modern Korea. The University of Tübingen, Germany
2017. Molding a Womanhood: The Travelling Concept of Bildung in Japan and Korea. In workshop of the European forum of Korean-Japanese history. The University of Tübingen, Germany
2015. Politics of Bildung: The Concept for Producing Civilized Subjects in
Postwar South Korea. In WCAAS (Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies). Salt Lake City, Utah, the U.S.
2013. Between Academia and Journalism: Formation of the Intellectual Field in Postwar South Korea (1953-59). In AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication). Washington D.C., the U.S.
2012. Formation of Intellectual Community around The Realm of Thought Magazine and its Role in Rebuilding South Korea in the 1950s. In IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research). Durban, South Africa.
2016. The Cultural Politics of Women’s Gyoyang (教養), the 1930s~1940s. In Brown Bag Seminar of Seoul National University Asia Center.
(=2017年7月出刊、金娥凛訳、하루키, 고양이는 운명이다. 살림출판사(サリム出版社)、韓国)
(=近刊、金娥凛訳、소금 1톤의 독서. 출판사 글항아리(出版社グルハンアリ)、韓国.)

クァク・ソンヨン(郭善英, KWAK SUNYOUNG)
Visiting Researcher at Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo.
Originally from Seoul, South Korea, Sunyoung has conducted research and written columns on Korean and Japanese media and popular culture. Before joining Hayashi Lab, she received a B.A. in English Literature and an M.A in Mass Communication at Sogang University in Seoul, Korea, and studied at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her research interests include Asian media and journalism, international comparative studies, and media convergence. She has participated in several international comparative research projects including the media coverage of the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, the ‘comfort women’ issue, the Olympics and is currently working on her dissertation on the broadcasting journalism in Japan and South Korea. She also works for NHK World, the international broadcasting service of the Japanese public broadcaster NHK as a part-time translator and announcer.
Hayashi, Kaori, James Curran, Sunyoung Kwak, Frank Esser, Daniel C. Hallin, and Chin-Chuan Lee. 2015. “Pride and Prejudice: A Five-Nation Comparative Study of Television News Coverage of the Olympics.” Journalism Studies 03/2015. DOI:10.1080/1461670X.2015.1019550
Peaslee, Robert M., Shu-Ling Berggreen, and Sunyoung Kwak. 2012. “Super Girl and the Expediency of Hybridity.” In Media in the Swirl edited by Ravi K. Dhar and Pooja Rana. New Delhi: Pentagon Press, pp. 309-321.
Peaslee, Robert, Shu-Ling Berggreen, and Sunyoung Kwak. 2010. “Idol-izing the Past, Present and Future: Super Girl, Democracy and the Expediency of Hybridity in Contemporary China.” Mass Communicator 4(4): 14-22.
Moritz, Marguerite and Sunyoung Kwak. 2009. “Students as Creators and Consumers of e-News: The Case of Virginia Tech.” In e-Journalism: New Media and News Media, edited by Kiran Prasad. New Delhi: B. R. Publishing Corporation.
郭善英『女性ジャンルとしての純情漫画の特性に関する研究:受容者分析を中心に』漫画アニメーション研究第5号 (2001年) 237-269頁 (韓国語)
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2018. “Product Placement Going Local and Global: How the Japanese Media Covered the Economic Dimension of the Korean Wave 2009-2016.” To be presented at 2018 Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Shanghai, China, August 12-15. (予定)
Kwak, Sunyoung, Kayoung Kim, & Jiyoon Kim. 2018. “Fan Activity as Labor: Korean Reality Show ‘Produce 101’ and Its Audience.” To be presented at the annual conference of International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR 2018), Oregon, USA, June 20-24. (予定)
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2017. Discussant, panel on “What Is Web Content?” “Can Web Content Survive outside Korea?” Frankfurter Buchmesse, October 13, 2017.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2016. “Media Portrayals of Korean Pop Stars in Japanese Media.” Presented at the AAS-Asia Conference, Kyoto, June 24-26.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2016. “Domesticating the ‘Comfort Women’ Issue: The Coverage of U.S. Newspapers.” Presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, Fukuoka, June 9-13.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2015. “Between Rivalry and Regional Friendship: Japanese Newspaper Coverage of the Korean National Team at the 2002 FIFA World Cup.” Presented at IAMCR Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 12-16.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2013. “The Newscaster Is an Actress: Blurring Borders between Journalism and Entertainment in Japanese TV News.” Presented at Korea University-The University of Tokyo Joint Workshop “Body, Image, Media,” Seoul, Korea, November 29-30.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2013. “Popular Culture and Conflicting Global Desires: Korean Pop Stars in Japanese Music Industry.” Presented at the Conference “Communication and Global Power Shift,” Vancouver, Canada, June 7-9.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2012. “Comparing Television News Coverage between Korea and Japan: The Case of 2012 Summer Olympics.” Presented at Seoul National University-The University of Tokyo Joint Symposium, Seoul, Korea, November 9-11.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2012. “Girls Trapped in the Industry of Dreams: How Korean and Japanese Media Covered KARA’s Disbanding Crisis.” Presented at the European Communication Conference hosted by European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), October 24-27.
Hayashi, Kaori, Sunyoung Kwak, Kawol Chung, Minjoo Lee and Jingyuan Yu. 2012. “Threat from an Invisible Enemy: A Five-nation Comparative Study on the Representation of Citizens in TV News Coverage of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident.” Presented at the 4th European Communication Conference hosted by European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Istanbul, Turkey, October 24-27.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2011. “A Comparison of Korean and Japanese TV News Coverage: The Case of Korean Girl Band KARA’s Disbanding Scandal.” Presented at The University of Tokyo-Seoul National University Joint Symposium, Yamanashi, Japan, November 9-11.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2010. “Between the Korean Wave and the Japanese Wave: BoA and the East Asian Pop Culture Flow.” Presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, Singapore, June 22-26.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2010. “Where Have All the Ordinary Teenagers Gone?: Korean Teen Movies after 2000.” Presented at the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, March 25-28.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2009. “Women’s Consumption in Globalized Korea: Focusing on the Media Discourse of Gold Miss.” Presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, Chicago, USA, May 21-25.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2008. “Representation of Asia in Korean TV Dramas.” Presented at the Western Conference of Association for Asian Studies (WCAAS), Boulder, CO, USA, September 12-14.
Kwak, Sunyoung. 2007. “Popular Culture of Women, by Women, and for Women: An Introductory Research on Yaoi or Boys’ Love.” Presented at the Western Conference of Association for Asian Studies (WCAAS), Salt Lake City, USA, September 20-22.
「新政権発足と放送政策の行方」「韓国のネット選挙―その成果と課題は」『海外調査情報』(日本民間放送連盟)Vol.8 (2013年11月):24-33頁
「ニューメディアと青少年の遊びメディア」「ニューメディア環境とアニメーション」『アニメーション・セラピー:ヒーリング・アニメーション・ワークショップ』ソウル:韓国芸術総合学校、2013年:75-88頁 (韓国語)
「日民放、報道番組のキャスター、アイドルから俳優に至る破格のキャスティング」『KBS海外放送情報』2012年9月 (韓国語)
「ファンタジーが現実になるテーマパーク:Yaoi-Con 2008参観記」『100℃』2008年10月:26-27頁 (韓国語)
「大衆に近づくイベントとして進化するシグラフ2008」『100℃』2008年9月:26-27頁 (韓国語)
* 韓国言論振興財団刊、『新聞と放送』メディア・ワールドワイド:
「日本社会を揺るがした『週間文春』のスクープ連発」2016年7月: 124-128頁
「テレビ型無料ネット放送・アベマTV開局」2016年5月: 120-123頁
「世界初を狙う日本の次世代放送政策」『放送文化』 2013年12月:64-65頁
「大ヒットドラマを生んだその時代の情緒」『放送文化』 2013年10月:62-63頁
「AKB選抜総選挙の裏側に隠れた業界の事情」『放送文化』 2013年8月:62-63頁
「テレビアニメ50周年を控えた日本テレビ局の挑戦」『放送文化』 2013年6月:62-63頁
「日本民放テレビ局の4月改編」『放送文化』 2013年4月:60-61頁
「放送倫理検証委員会の5年」『放送文化』 2013年3月:60-61頁

Minjoo Lee is a PhD candidate and works at Integrated Human Sciences Program for Cultural Diversity, The University of Tokyo, as a project researcher. Her doctoral thesis project aims to investigate how new poverty since 2000 has been discursively constructed in Japanese television documentary in the context of post-industrial Japanese capitalism. It, in particular, focuses on socio-cultural aspects of neoliberalism and its relation to labour and poverty on the one hand, and historical changes in Japanese television documentary’s genre characteristics on the other hand.
Areas of interest: Poverty, Labour, Neoliberalism, Discourse, Television Documentary, Media, Gender and Feminism, Power, Post-capitalism, Body, Chronic Disease, Japan and South Korea
Education: MA, Graduate Program in Culture and Gender Studies(Since 2016, Cultural Anthropology), Yonsei University, South Korea
BA, Architecture and Sociology (Double major), Yonsei University, South Korea

Misook Lee is Assistant Professor in the Center for the Global Liberal Arts Program (GLAP) at Rikkyo University. After being a visiting fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute (2012~2013), she has worked as a Project Assistant Professor in the Integrated Human Sciences Program for Cultural Diversity at the University of Tokyo (2014~2017). She completed her PhD in the field of Socio-Information and Communication Studies in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo. She investigates the possibilities of the transnational public sphere by exploring communicative interaction among transnational activists and the role of media. She is also interested in the transformation of public sphere in digital and global age. Her recent publication is The age of the Japan-Korea Solidarity Movement: Transnational Public Sphere and Media in the 1970s and 80s (University of Tokyo Press, 2018).
李美淑 2018『「日韓連帯運動」の時代―1970-80年代のトランスナショナルな公共圏とメディア』東京大学出版会. (=Lee, Misook. 2018. The Age of the Japan-Korea Solidarity Movement: Transnational Public Sphere and Media in the 1970s and 80s, Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Press.)
Lee, Misook, 2018, “Succession or Cessation: The Challenge of New Media for the Japan-Korea Solidarity Movement,” Susanne Foellmer, Margreth Lünenborg, Christoph Raetzsch, eds., Media Practices, Social Movements, and Performativity: Transdisciplinary Approaches, New York: Routledge: 168-185.
李美淑 2015「トランスナショナルな公共圏とメディアの可能性に関する考察―1970年代~80年代における『日韓連帯運動』を事例に」東京大学大学院学際情報学府社会情報学博士学位論文. (=Lee, Misook. 2015. “The Possibilities of Transnational Media and Transnational Public Sphere: the Japan-Korea Solidarity Movement in the 1970s and 80s,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo)
Lee, Misook. 2014. “South Korea’s Democratization Movement of the 1970s and 80s and Communicative Interaction in Transnational Ecumenical Networks,” International Journal of Korean History. Vol. 19, No. 2: 241-270.
Lee, Misook. 2014. “The Japan-Korea Solidarity Movement in the 1970s and 1980s: From Solidarity to Reflexive Democracy,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol.12, Issue 38, No. 1, September 22, 2014. (
李美淑 2012「韓国民主化運動における地下情報の発信―越境的なキリスト者ネットワークの形成と活動を中心に」『コンタクト・ゾーン』京都大学人文科学研究所人文学国際研究センター, Vol.5:145-172. (=Lee, Misook. 2012. “Dissemination of Underground Information in the Democratization movement of South Korea: Formation and Activities of Transnational Networks of Christians” Contact Zone, International Research Center for Humanities, Institute for research in Humanities of Kyoto University, No.5: 145-172)
李美淑 2010「マスメディアにおける他者化言説の形成過程―韓国の結婚移住女性に関する時事報道番組を中心に」『情報学研究』東京大学大学院情報学環, Vol. 78 (3): 181-195. (= Lee, Misook. 2010. “Media Discourse on Migrant Women in South Korea: The ‘Othering’ Process in Mass Media Journalism”, Journal of Information Studies, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo. No.78: 181-195.)
李美淑 2009「メディアの他者化言説の形成過程に関する研究―韓国における結婚移住女性に関する時事報道番組を中心に」東京大学大学院学際情報学府社会情報学修士学位論文.
(=Lee, Misook. 2009. “The ‘Othering’ Process in Mass Media: discourse analysis on news programs on migrant women in South Korea” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo)

Lin, I-Hsuan, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of College of Sociology at Rikkyo University, Tokyo. She completed her PhD at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo. Her main areas of research are ethnic media, alternative media, and journalism studies. She is the author of Ethnicity and Media in Taiwan: Politics of Integration, Acceptance and Rejection (Rikkyo University Press, 2014), co-author of 60 chapters to know Taiwan (Akashi shoten, 2016), co-author of Encyclopedia of the Journalism (Sanseido, 2014), co-author of Work and Life Imbalance of TV Journalists (Otsuki Shoten, 2013), co-author of Did the Newspaper Report the Earthquake Correctly? (Waseda University Press, 2012).
林怡蕿,2016, 「マスメディアとインターネット-抑制から多元化へ」『台湾を知るための60章』明石書店、177-181.
林怡蕿, 2014, 『台湾のエスニシティとメディア-統合の受容と拒絶のポリティクス』立教大学出版会.
林怡蕿, 2014, 「エスニック・メディア」「多様性・多元性」「フリーランス(フリージャーナリスト)『現代ジャーナリズム事典』三省堂、23-24、192-193、272.
林怡蕿, 2013, 「管理職からみた『フリーランス』の理想と現実」林香里・谷岡理香編著『テレビ報道職のワークライフ・アンバランス-13局男女30人の聞き取り調査から』大月書店、98-110.

After completing degrees in Japanese history and International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Omri joined the Hayashi Lab in 2012 as an MA journalism major. His research has been largely focusing on online participation and interactivity dynamics among Japanese users in various platforms and contexts. His MA thesis dealt with the concept of peer-based social production and the way it is utilized by journalists and news rooms in the Asahi Shimbun – Japan’s second largest newspaper company. His PhD dissertation deals with the Japanese language version of Wikipedia and the way anonymity and privacy perceptions effect users online behavior. Alongside his academic and writing career, Omri is also working full time in media planning and strategy division of a global digital agency in Tokyo.
You can check some of his writings on the webstes below.

Rong Zhang is a journalist at the Interactive Media and News Section (withnews news section), the Asahi Shimbun. She is also a visiting researcher at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSIIS), the University of Tokyo. Her major research concerns include: mass media, web media and journalism. She graduated from Peking University in 2002 and was an editor and journalist at People’s Daily Online, China. She came to Japan in 2003 and obtained her Ph.D. degree (Socio-information and communication studies) from GSIIS, the University of Tokyo in 2016. Her recent publication is Collective Journalism: The new potentials of Internet media in China, which was published by Japan Press Research Institute in 2017 (in Japanese).
章蓉(2009)「中国都市テレビ局の「新型」方言ニュースの革新―ハーバーマスの「政治的公共圏の等価物」概念の検証―」、『東京大学大学院情報学環紀要 情報学研究』第77号、 2009年9月、pp111-125(査読有)。
【単著】 章蓉(2017)『コレクティヴ・ジャーナリズム――中国に見るネットメディアの新たな可能性』新聞通信調査会
【共著】 章蓉(2008)「従NHK‘公共放送’展望中国広播電視的発展」(pp180-199)『日本人是天生勤奮的吗――日本社会経済発展の啓示』(共著 中国語)、朱建栄主編、世界知識出版社(北京)、2008年。
『現代ジャーナリズム事典』(2014)武田徹・藤田真文・山田健太監修、三省堂 執筆項目:公共圏、クオリテリィ・パーパー(高級紙)、タブロイド紙
章蓉(2018)「中国のネット空間における『コレクティヴ・ジャーナリズム』の形成と『網紅』(ワンホン)の台頭に関する考察」、日本マス・コミュニケーション学会第 36 期第 2 回「中国の網絡社会とメディア研究」研究会(ネットワーク社会研究部会企画)、2018 年 1 月 20 日、成蹊サテライト・オフィス。
2018年1月~ 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会 英字ジャーナルAsian Journal of Journalism and Media Studies (AJJMS) 編集委員
2017年10月~ 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会 ネットワーク社会研究部会(2017-2018)部員 2010年10月~2011年9月 国際TVニュース研究会「北京オリンピック報道」に関連する研究の協力と翻訳
2008年4月~2010年12月 GCN(Gender and Communication Network)国際女性メディア財団(IWMF)主宰“Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media” (「報道メディアにおける女性の地位世界調査」)日本部分の調査および分担執筆
2017年7月12日【メディア研究の集い】ブックトーク テーマ:『コレクティヴ・ジャーナリズム――中国に見るネットメディアの新たな可能性』を出版して 2017年6月20日 お茶の水女子大学 キャリア開発特論(ロールモデル編)講演
Published Papers
Zhang Rong (2013) “Journalism as Professionalism Challenged by Net-users in China:
Focusing on the Online Social Affair ‘South China Tiger’ ”, Paper and Presentation for ISA RC52
Interim Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, November28-30, 2013(Peer-reviewed)
Zhang Rong (2010) “The Rise of Participatory Media in China: Focusing on
online discussion of the ‘South China Tiger’ ”. Paper and Presentation for
International Communication Association (ICA) 2010 Conference, Singapore(Peer-reviewed).
Zhang Rong (2014) “”Collective Journalism Is in Formation? Common Net-Users Challenging
Professional Journalism Online and Offline””, Oral Presentation for XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology
Yokohama, Japan, July 13-19, 2014(Peer-reviewed)
Zhang Rong (2010) “Innovation of Dialect News Broadcasting in Chinese Local TV stations:
Examining J. Habermas’s Concept of ‘Equivalent Political Public Sphere’”, Association for Cultural Studies (ACS)
Crossroads Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China, June 17, 2010(Peer-reviewed).
Zhang Rong (2010) “The Internet as a medium of participation and social capital generation in China: Focusing on
online discussion of the ‘South China Tiger’ ”. Paper and Presentation for International Communication Association
(ICA) 2010 Conference, Singapore(Peer-reviewed).
Zhang Rong (2007) “Dialect news broadcasting in local Chinese TV stations: The formation of local public spheres”.
Ubiquitous Media Asian Transformations (UMAT) Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, July 16, 2007(Peer-reviewed).
Zhang Rong (2007) “Voices of the People: Focusing on the dialect news broadcasting in local Chinese TV stations”.
Civil society media & Policy Symposium, University of Leeds, UK, July 26, 2007(Peer-reviewed).
Zhang Rong (2008) “Internet, an emerging participative media in China: Anti-CNN as an example”, UT-SNU
student Symposium, Seoul National University, Korea, November 21, 2008(Peer-reviewed).

葛星 (XING GE)
Xing Ge is currently a team manager and consultant at Unicepta Information Consulting (China) Ltd, responsible for APAC business. Before joining Unicepta, he was a lecturer at Journalism School, and a research fellow at the Center of Information and Communication Studies at Fudan University, China. He withdrew upon earning all required credits and enrollment from doctoral education at the Interdisciplinary Information Institution of University of Tokyo.
He is the co-author of Unicepta’s “Compendium of China’s media landscape”, which has been distributed in English and German both in China and in Europe. He published several papers about social system theory, inspired by Niklas Luhmann’s social system theory, and mass media studies in Chinese and Japanese academia magazines. He also writes as a columnist for several magazines in Shanghai about media observation and Japanese society, and is now a WeChat writer about China-Japan culture.
2013 「中国マスメディア・システムにおける宣伝プログラム――その構造と機能をめぐる考察」 東京大学学際情報学環『紀要』85号
2015「『自説自話』的城市官微――基於四城市官微内容分析的『城市官微可溝通性』報告」(中国の政府マクロブログのコミュニケーション性についての考察:四城市のデータに基づき) 『新聞与伝播研究』(中国)2015年第8期 (この論文を含む『城市コミュニケーション』論文群は後に、『新聞与伝播研究』の2015年度優秀論文を受賞)
2016年 Compendium of China’s media landscape ドイツUnicepta社 (英語版とドイツ語版として中国およびヨーロッパで発売。詳しくは以下のリンク先ページをご参考ください。